Finally after 2 years of Covid, British Scouting Overseas Singapore all met up for our annual Bonfire Night at Camp Sarimbun! And it was well worth the wait.
Scouts, Beavers and Cubs from all Singapore groups joined together for an afternoon of games, including water relays and hula hoop rock paper scissors. Despite the weather threatening rain, it stayed dry and cool. After games, we gathered around the fire pit and the Guys made by the different groups were lined up and a vote was held for the winning guy. It was an overwhelming victory for the scouts and their Marshmello inspired guy, with chants of ‘Marshmello’ ringing well into the night and long after all the guys had been burnt on the bonfire.
Scouts tucked into a feast of burgers and hotdogs, brownies and s’mores before an evening around the campfire, singing traditional campfire songs including Gang Gang Gooly, Kumbaya and a scout-led ‘We will rock you’. A fantastic day! We’re already excited for the next adventures.