Volunteers Needed!

We have a great team of volunteers, but due to the transient nature of expatriate life in Singapore we are always in need of more leaders to run our groups or help out in a number of other ways, from weekend activities to administrative tasks such as book-keeping.  No experience needed, a positive attitude and the willingness to be involved is enough!

There is a lot of support from both the UK Scout Association and from our own established leaders who can help you get going and provide moral and practical help along the way. Training is online, and not arduous. First Aid training is provided and we enjoy the expertise of the School Nurse when on the school site.

Our leaders will tell you how much they love interacting with our young Beavers, Cubs and Scouts and seeing the enjoyment they get out of meetings and activities. We all say that we get far more out of it than we put in.

In addition, the children of leaders get priority in oversubscribed groups, so what are you waiting for?!

Simply email scoutingattanglin@gmail.com and we would be happy to meet up for a chat and tell you more.