What do Cubs do?

Cubs do a wide range of activities, including an annual camp which is always the highlight of the year.  Weekly activities range from arts and crafts to wide games, cooking, first aid and kite flying! Most of our activities are based on the Cub Challenge and Activity badges which the boys love to earn and wear with pride on their uniforms.

We now have a very full Cub pack and are taking names for our waiting list.  Cubs are divided into Sixes, led by a Sixer and Seconder. We have 2 warranted leaders who are helped by other parents on a regular basis.

We meet  at TTS from 3 – 4.30pm with trips out at least once every half term. Recently we have been to West Coast Park to start our Athletes badge and we were excited to be invited to visit a Scout Leader from the UK on board one of the Clipper yachts when it sailed into Singapore. We also visited a fire station as part of our Community Challenge badge.  We also practice some traditional Scouting skills such as fire building, knot tying, lashing, compass use and map reading, orienteering and camping.

We joined in the Rememberance Day service at Kranji in November and we ran a stall at the School/ PTA Christmas fair to raise money for the Gurkha Welfare Fund.

If this sounds like fun, please get in touch!